EFB Backward Inclined:

The Backward Inclined BIM fan is a straight bladed design that is ideally suited for clean and abrasive airstreams. The high wear and abrasive nature of induced draft and kiln dryer fans can wear the blades of a fan very quickly. The backward inclined design sheds particulate and can be designed with high brinel wear liners to prevent erosion of the impelle

EFB Backward Curved Fan:

The backward curved fan achieves static efficiencies slightly less than an Airfoil. EFB engineers can assist you in selecting between the RHS, BCS and CHS styles to find the perfect fit to achieve your performance criteria.

Applications requiring higher static pressure impose extreme stress on the wheel components due to high tip speeds. The EFB backward curved impeller is designed specifically to meet this challenge. When required, these fans can also be equipped with full or partial blade liners for severe-duty applications.

EFB Radial Tip:

EFB radial tip fans are used extensively in many industries. The ruggedness of our RT and RTC radial tip impeller makes it especially suitable in severe-duty service areas, such as cement plants, flue gas recirculation and boiler induced draft fans. It can be armored with full blade and housing liners for the most abrasive applications.

EFB Radial Blade:

The EFB radial blade XLR fan is the first choice for severe-duty applications, especially those involving hot, abrasive or sticky particulate. The flat radial blade design is self-cleaning, which makes it very cost-effective by reducing downtime in critical and continuous service applications. EFB radial blade fan is designed to sustain very high tip speeds to meet your high static pressure needs.

EFB AirFoil Fans:

The airfoil blade design delivers the highest static efficiencies of all centrifugal fans. EFB: AF, AFM and RHM fan models are the perfect choice in applications requiring heavy-duty fans operating at low energy cost.

Since the EFB airfoil fan can be used in applications where particulate is present, our design is used extensively in many different industries. A solid nose bar and blade liners can be built into each blade and provide maximum abrasion resistance along the leading edge and on high wear areas of the blade. Blades are also reinforced to meet the exact duty requirement.

EFB centrifugal blower:

centrifugal blower is a motor or pump that moves air using centrifugal force created by the rotation of an impeller that pulls air or fluids into the blower and pushes it out through the blower's outlet

EFB Direct-Drive Fan:

is a motor or pump that moves air using centrifugal force created by the rotation of an impeller that pulls air or fluids into the blower and pushes it out through the blower's outlet

Direct-Drive Fan
EFB Coupling-Driven Fan:

is a motor or pump that moves air using centrifugal force created by the rotation of an impeller that pulls air or fluids into the blower and pushes it out through the blower's outlet

Coupling-Driven Fan

EFB Centrifugal Fans

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